Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Inter-County Matches - Day 3

Midlothian took to the final day of the Inter-County matches knowing that a draw was all that was needed to see them through to the County Finals at Bothwell Castle in September and knowing that such a victory would thrill the County Treasurer!

With the target of a 9-0 win, the foursomes pairings were decided. We would stick with the same successful start as yesterday and play Louise Fraser and Rachael Watton at no. 1. We would follow that up with a slight change and play Gabrielle Macdonald with Kirsten Blackwood. Our third pairing would be the stalwarts and the dream team i.e. Wendy Nicholson and Karen Marshall with caddies Fiona Smith and Margaret Ritchie. The idea was for all of the games to have been won before having to climb up the hills at the 15th, thus conserving all of the players energy and the officials nerve capacity. This, unfortunately, was not to be the case. The first match proved to be very tight and it took Louise and Rachael until the 17th to notch up the first point. Kirsten and Gabrielle were up all of the way with brilliant iron shots that peppered the flag and fantastic putting. Having found themselves dormie 3 up, they eased home, with a half at the 16th, to a 3&2 win. Karen and Wendy had only played 14 holes together in the previous matches and finding themselves 4 up on the 14th tee, were planning a repeat performance today but it was not to be! The pin on the 14th was in an extremely tricky position - hard left, just over the brow of a hill. Having watched the other 2 games 3 putt the green because the first putt just kept on rolling, the Captain passed on this info. Karen hit a tremendous tee shot, pin high and on the left hand side of the pin - which left an uphill putt! The opponents were short and right - an impossible position. A good putt from the opposition just kept on rolling and they hadn't lost their turn. However they stepped up to the next shot and ....... bang, it disappeared into the hole. Wendy then eyed up her putt and .... bang, it was on it's way ....... it hit the lip and ..... stayed out. Doom and gloom, the girls were dormie 4 up but had to go up the 15th. Unfortunately the 15th was lost but the girls hung on won the 16th and the match by 4&2. So another good, realxing lunch was had by all.

Or so we thought until we came out for our afternoon games! Where was Michaela? Why was she no longer on the trolley where she had been left to keep a watchful eye on all the equipment? She had been mugged by an unknown and taken into hiding. But the detectives found her ........ up a tree!

Needing 2 points in the afternoon to win the match and the Inter-County title for 2010, it was decided to give Kate McIntosh a taste of Inter-County golf singles and play her at no. 4. Boy what a secret weapon she proved to be! She was given none other than Broomieknowe stable-mate Wendy Nicholson as caddy and what a singles dream team they made! 2 up after 2 holes, she never looked back. 4 up after 8 holes, 5 up after 9 holes, 6 up after 11 holes ... things were really hotting up! She then lost the 12th to go back to 5 up but after a tremendous drive at the 13th, she left her approach shot short and slightly to the right of the green. What a pitch she had to about 10 ft and, having watched her opponent reach the green in 3 and then 3 putt, she rolled in her putt for a birdie 4, to claim her first singles point for the team by 6&5. There was then a sudden dash to the 14th green where Kirsten, playing no. 3, was sitting dormie 5 up. Her tee shot had gone to the very back of the green but an immaculate chip got her up and down for a par 3 and she claimed her tie by 5&4. The celebrations had started but there were still other games to watch. Louise, playing no. 5, was next to appear at the 14th, 4 up. She left her tee shot right of the green but a fabulous chip rolled up to just short of the pin. Her opponent then 3 putted. Louise stepped up, holed her putt and won the match by 5&4. News had filtered back from the 16th green that Gabriell, lpaying no. 2, had lost the hole to return to 1 up. After a huge drive, the adrenaline rush made her hit her approach shot over the back of the green. Her opponent had taken 4 to reach the green. Gabrielle hit another fantastic chip to just short of the cup and sank the putt to win the tie 2&1. While all this was giong on, Rachael was in a real battle which was up and down all the way. With 5 points out of 5 scored so far, she was determined not to drop anything. She reached the 18th all square and hit a huge tee shot and a lovely chip onto the green. Her opponent putted first and left the ball dead - a 4. Rachael prowled around her putt and finally took her stance. She sent the ball on its way but it ran out of steam half a roll short of the hole. She had to settle for a 4, a half and a grand total of 5.5 points. Karen was equally well in some battle at the back of the field. One up on the 14th, she missed the green left and lost the hole to go back to all square. She halved the 15th and at the 16th made a fantastic up and down to save par and gain another half. After the 17th was halved, Karen launched a huge tee shot down the 18th. Both girls then reached the green in 2, her opponent hitting a wonderful wood into the green and had the first putt. LEaving the ball short, Karen stepped up to her putt. She struck the ball and left it right on the edge - a 4 was conceded. The opponent, with nerves of steel, stepped up and slotted her putt for a halved match.

But Midlothian had won by 8 games to 1, which brought the Inter-County trophy back to Midlothian for the second year in a row!

Results from today:
Emma Fairnie & Fiona Prior lost to Louise Fraser & Rachael Watton 2&1
Clara Young & Keren Ward lost to Kirsten Blackwood & Gabrielle Macdonald 3&2
Jill McNicoll & Linda Grieve lost to Karen Marshall & Wendy Nicholson 4&2

Emma Fairnie halved with Rachael Watton
Ruth Carroll lost to Gabrielle Macdonald 2&1
Keren Ward lost to Kirsten Blackwood 5&4
Jill McNicoll lost to Kate McIntosh 6&5
Linda Grieve lost to Louise Fraser 5&4
Clara Young halved with Karen Marshall

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh, yes..........

and I forgot to mention how tough and tiring it is being the youngest member of the team!

Inter-Counties - Day 2

Another great day in East Lothian with the sun shining, Royal Musselburgh Golf Club again in great condition and the golf spectacular. The Midlothian Team, after another good night's rest, were well prepared and totally focussed on the task in hand - to win against Stirling & Clackmannan.

First out in the morning foursomes was Louise Fraser and Rachael Watton and what a top pairing they proved to be! The caddies started feeling sorry for the opposition as there was nothing they could do against the brillinace and might of the Midlothian players. Birdie after birdie was scored and after not too long a time, the first point was in the bag - an 8&7 win. The "tinies" were put out together in the second match and met none other than former Midlothian member, Jennifer Bryans. The pair started solidly and kept the game very close but suddenly Stirling was ahead and kept piling on the pressure until the "kids" went down 5&3. Next came the stalwart pairing of Karen Marshall and Wendy Nicholson, again with the "dream team" caddies. Today the caddies did not have to resort to any verbal or violent threats and the girls just kept plugging away. Having gone 4 up early on and staying at that score for quite some time, they decided that variety was the spice of life and a change of score was needed to keep the supporters happy. This they did by losing the 11th to go back to 3 up but having realised that the supporters were certainly not happy with that move, they won back the 12th and went on from there to win the game by a 5&4 margin. So lunchtime was another happy occasion with a 2-1 lead.

The afternoon singles saw Rachael take on Stirling youngster Alison Goodwin. After a rocky start, Rachael knuckled down, gained the lead and never looked back, taking the game by 3&2. Next up was Kirsten Blackwood who had a terrifically tight game, battling as hard as she could the whole way but finally losing by 1 hole. Gabrielle again met ex-Midlothian member, Jennifer Bryans, and took the opportunity to gain her revenge. Playing excellent, faultless golf, Gabrielle found herself dormie 3 up. A slight hiccup at the 16th, saw her down the 17th where she shook hands on a 3&1 victory. Wendy was 3 down on the Captain, Linda Allan after the first 4 holes but was not about to give in. She battled back and before long news was out that she was 1 up and very much back in it. However, all square after the 16th, she lost the 17th and headed to the 18th tee dormie 1 down. A great drive was followed by a great approach shot and an even better putt to win the hole with a birdie and half the match. Meanwhile, Louise and Karen were quietly getting on with their business. The Captain's and supporter's nerves were begining to get the better of them. Where was the last point going to come from? Were we going to fall at the last hurdle? But no, the back markers had other ideas, rose to the challenge and, after teasing us all, brought home another 2 points, Louise wining by 2&1 and Karren by 3&2.

Another fabulous day which, at times, put us to the test! But all is now set for tomorrow. A victory against East Lothian and yet again, we will be the East Division County Champions.

Todays results:
Louise Fraser & Rachael Watton beat Louise MacGregor & Alison Goodwin by 8&7
Gabrielle Macdonald & Kate McIntosh lost to Karen Burns & Jennifer Bryans by 5&3
Karen Marshall & Wendy Nicholson beat Vicki Stevenson & Linda Allan by 5&4

Rachael Watton beat Alison Goodwin by 3&2
Kirsten Blackwood lost to Karen Burns by 1 hole
Gabrielle Macdonald beat Jennifer Bryans by 3&1
Wendy Nicholson halved with Linda Allan
Louise Fraser beat Claire Capocci by 2&1
Karen Marshall beat Louise MacGregor by 3&2

Monday, June 28, 2010

Inter-County Matches - Day 1

What a gorgeous day it was in East Lothian today - not only from a weather point of view but also the golf! After yesterday's practice at Royal Musselburgh, dinner at the Beefeater and a good night's sleep at the Premier Inn, the team were all up for their first game of this year's matches - Fife.

There was no dispute over the morning foursomes pairings. First off would be be Karen Marshall and Wendy Nicholson with the dream team caddies of Fiona Smith and Margaret Ritchie. Next would be Rachael Watton and new kid on the block, Kate McIntosh, with super caddy Hannah Scott and Kate Johnson, and third couple would be Louise Fraser and Claire MacDonald with Dorothy Fraser and Ann Barr at the trolley driving wheel.

Karen and Wendy stuck their noses in front and then refused to relinquish their lead. After 14 holes the pair shook hands with their opposition and recorded a 5&4 win. Unfortunately Claire struggled with an old injury and she and Louise went down by 5&4 before Claire took off for treatment. The "kids" played well in a nip and tuck battle. Finally, with the opposition rebounding off a sign which stopped the ball reaching a bunker and left them just on the edge of the green and able to win the hole and take a 2 hole lead with 4 to play, Rachael had had enough! This game was going to be won and what style that was done in! Winning 15 and 16 and halving 17, the girls reached the 18th tee all square. The 18th is being played from the men's medal tee and measures 369 yards. Rachael launched her drive, hitting the ball roughly 320 yards, straight down the middle, and leaving Kate a 50 yard pitch which she judged to perfection. After watching the opposition get their par 4, the stage was set. After lining up her 10-15 ft putt, Rachael stepped up to strike the ball. All of the Midlothian spectators held their breath as the ball headed closer and closer towards the hole and raucous cheering was heard as the ball finally disppeared from sight and the game was won and the foursomes Midlothian's by 2 matches to 1.

And so to the afternoon. Problem here - in what order to play everyone? No problem with no.1 slot - Rachael! But who would we play at no. 6? Where would we put Kirsten Blackwood and Gabrielle Macdonald? With that decided we finally handed in our team card - Rachael, Wendy, Kirsten, Gabrielle, Louise and, anchor girl, Karen. Rachael was very business like - well, she had to make sure she was finished in time to get to an appointment back in Edinburgh! - and brought home the first of the 3 points we needed for overall victory. Wendy had a tough afternoon with no room for error and had to succomb to a 5&4 loss. Next up, Kirsten battled away. Having been 3 up early on, she was hauled back to all square before losing the dreaded 14th. She kept on fighting but finally went down by 2&1. Newby, Gabrielle, was next in the firing line and had an exceedingly tough draw against past Scottish Amateur Champion Elaine Moffat. It was nip and tuck the whole way, until eventually Elaine broke away and came out in front by 2&1. We were then looking for the tail to wag and, boy, it did! Just when the Captain felt she couldn't take any more, Louise arrived on the 14th tee, 3 up! Having been told her point was crucial, she kindly obliged by wining the 15th and recording a 4&3 victory. Then came back marker Karen - 3 up again on the 14th tee - all our prayers were being answered! A wonderful tee shot at the 14th put pressure on her opponent and allowed her to continue on, dormie 4 up. She finally ended our pain on the 16th with a 4&2 win.

A great day! Everyone played superbly well, the caddies caddied wonderfully and spectator of the day has to go to 11 month old Larissa who cheered and clapped at all the right moments!
The whole team looks forward to seeing you all offering your support over the next 2 days. If Larissa can do it..............

Karen Marshall & Wendy Nicholson beat Fiona Hastie & Elaine Moffat 5&4
Kate McIntosh & Rachael Watton beat Susan Jackson & Karin Sharp 1 hole
Louise Fraser & Claire MacDonald lost to Lorna Fury & Lynda Dyball 5&4

Rachael Watton beat Susan Jackson 3&2
Wendy Nicholson lost to Fiona Hastie 5&4
Kirsten Blackwood lost to Karin Sharp 2&1
Gabrielle Macdonald lost to Elaine Moffat 2&1
Louise Fraser beat Rachel Hanlon 4&3
Karen Marshall beat Lorna Fury 4&2

Stirling & Clackmannan beat East Lothian by 5 games to 4

Friday, June 25, 2010

Inter-County Matches

There has been a change to Midlothian's Team for the forthcoming Inter-County Matches. Due to Jane Turner's golfing commitments over the last and coming weeks, she has, unfortunately, made the decision to pull out of the Matches. She will be missed but has been replaced by the totally able, new recruit Kate McIntosh from Broomieknowe.

The team is not allowing this change to interfere with it's preparations for retaining the trophy. A practice on Tuesday night at Mortonhall Golf Club went very well and the girls, including Kate, were all in great form.

We are delighted to have Kate on board, Arlene McGarty (Harburn) as our travelling reserve, wish Jane all the best for the European Team Championship and look forward to seeing all of our members offering support at Royal Musselburgh next week!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SLGA announce teams

The SLGA has, today, announced the teams to represent Scotland in the Ladies' and Girls' European Team Championships from 6th-10th July at La Manga in Spain and Aalborg in Denmark respectively. Congratulations to Jane Turner (Craigielaw) who is in the Ladies' team and to Rachael Watton (Mortonhall) who is in the Girls' team which is Captained by Karen Marshall (Baberton).

I hope you both play well, enjoy and, Rachael, you listen to Karen's team talks!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Scottish Senior Ladies' (Close) Amateur Championship

The Scottish Seniors head north next week to play in their (Close) Amateur Championship which is being held, from the 29th June - 2nd July at Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club. Amongst the 85 entrants, 13 are Midlothian members and include last year's 36-hole Stroke Play Champion, Fiona Hunter (Baberton). The Stroke Play Championship is played over the opening two days, with the top 16 scratch scores then qualifying for the subsequent Match Play Championship.

Good luck to all who are taking part.

2010 Inter-County Matches

To all Midlothian Members:
Come and support YOUR team at the 2010 Inter-County Matches
VENUE: Royal Musselburgh Golf Club
DATES: Monday 28th - Wednesday 30th June
Come and see YOUR Midlothian Team take on:
Fife - Monday 28th June
Stirling & Clackmannan - Tuesday 29th June
East Lothian - Wednesday 30th June
Morning Foursomes start at 9 am
Afternoon singles start at 2 pm
It's not far to travel!
It would be great to have your support!
Why not?
What's your excuse?
Come and offer support to YOUR team!
Cheer them on to the Finals!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June visit to the Hermitage

What a gorgeous day it was today as the juniors once again ventured out on to the Hermitage Golf Course for their monthly game of golf. Nine juniors turned up and birdies were the order of the day. In the handicap section, Julia Smith birdied the 5th while Emma Morrison birdied both the 3rd and the 5th. Not to be outdone, the non-handicap girls also threw in the odd birdie, with Kim Naysmith recording hers at the 1st and 7th, Caitlin Turner at the 7th and 10th and Ellie Ferguson at the 7th. Shot of the day, however, went to Emma Fairgrieve who holed from 40 yards for a 5 at the 7th sending up cheers which could be heard all around the course.

Well done to all the girls who played and thank you to Sharon Macpherson who kindly organised this month's competition and to Noreen Fenton and Linda Caine who turned out to help.

The results from today were:


1st: Julia Smith 57 less 24 - net 33
2nd: Emma Morrison 57 less 23 - net 34
3rd: Sophie Aitchison 68 less 24 - net 44


1st: Kim Naysmith 59 (BIH)
2nd: Caitlin Turner 59
3rd: Lisa Macpherson 98

On the overall leaderboard of the running competition, with 2 months left to go, the non-handicap section is close with Kim Naysmith one point ahead of Caitlin Turner on 18 points with Lisa Macpherson 3rd on 9 points. In the handicap section, Emma Morrison still holds onto her lead on 9 points, with Julia Smith second on 5 points, and Sophie Aitchison, Jane Finlay and Carla Maran tied 3rd equal on 3 points.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Golf

I have been asked by the SLGA to bring to a few competitions to notice of the Midlothian members. For those of you who are up for a few away days during the summer why not give the following a try?

First up is the County Golf Open Meeting which is being held this year at Duff House Royal Golf Club on Tuesday 17th August. Tee times are available from 10 am until 3 pm and you can either enter individually or with playing partners. The closing date for entry is Monday 26th July and entry forms can be found by clicking here.

Next is the Scottish Ladies' Foursomes which is being held at Douglas Park Golf Club on Sunday 29th August. This is an 18-hole Stroke Play event and entrants must have a handicap of 35 or less. Players entering this must be members of the same club or section which must be affiliated to the SLGA. The closing date for entry is Monday 2nd August and entry forms can be found by clicking here.

Finally, here's one for the men as well - the 2010 Scottish Golf Open Amateur Mixed Foursomes being held at Haggs Castle Golf Club on Sunday 12th September. Open to gents or boys with handicaps of 24 and under and ladies or girls with handicaps 36 and under, this, again, is an 18 hole Stroke Play competition, with ladies teeing off at the first hole. The closing date for entry is Monday 16th August and the entry forms can, once again, be found by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Paul Lawrie Scottish Schools Championship 2010

While 14-year old Loretto School girl Julie Yang took 7 shots off the Murrayshall course record in becoming the 2010 Paul Lawrie Scottish Schools Champion, the Midlothian players also put up great performances. Hannah Scott (Broomieknowe) was third in the handicap section after 2 fabulous rounds of 76 to the pars over the Lynedoch and Murrayshall Courses of 69 and 73, finishing overall in 6th equal position along with Rachael Watton (Mortonhall). Gabrielle Macdonald (Craigielaw) was one shot better after rounds of 73 and 78 and Kate McIntosh, one shot worse after a morning round of 78 and a great comeback in the afternoon with a 75.
Our thanks to Cal Carson Golf Agency for the picture.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rachael second in the Munross

Congratulations to Rachael Watton (Mortonhall) who came second in the Munross Trophy 36-hole tournament, an SLGA Order of Merit event, held at Montrose Links Golf Club yesterday. Leading by 2 shots after the morning round, Rachael fell back in the afternoon and lost out by one shot overall.

Friday, June 4, 2010


In the most gorgeous weather tonight, Midlothian took to the fairways of Gullane No. 2 in their final practice match before the Inter-County matches. In this encounter, the opponents were the Scottish University Golfing Society (SUGS). The Captain felt she had negotiated the shot situation well - 2 courtesy shots per Midlothian player and half the difference of the combined handicaps - until it turned out that Midlothian had to give away at least 2 shots in every game! However, the girls were up for it and, with six members of the team for the Inter-County matches available to play, Midlothian won by 3.5-1.5; the Captain, who had been called into action at the last minute due to a non-arrival, letting the side down with the only loss of the night. But having said that, to be 5 down after 7 holes, fight back to 1 down after 16 holes and then lose by only 2&1 felt like a victory!

Our thanks go to the SUGS Captain, David McLeary, who journeyed from Oxford to take part in the match, and to the SUGS Secretary, Andrew Thomson, for all the organising. It was a great match, played, as ever, in great spirit and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their games.

The results were:

Rachael Watton & Louise Fraser beat David McLeary & Murray Drummond 3&1
Karen Marshall & Wendy Nicholson beat Don Reekie & Kenny McKay 4&2
Kirsten Blackwood & Gabrielle Macdonald halved with Andrew Thomson & Richard Muckart
Fiona de Vries & Linda Caine beat Tim Edward & Douglas May 3&1
Gillian Simpson & Tracy Laughland lost to Jim Barnet & Iain Currie 2&1

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Munross Trophy

The Munross Trophy is being held at Montrose on Sunday, i.e. 6th June. This 36-hole SLGA Order of Merit tournament is undersubscribed and late entries are being taken. The entry fee is only £15 and the handicap limit is 12. So for all those of you who would like to take to the golf course this coming weekend in what is promising to be wonderful sunshine, why not contact the Montrose Golf Links Office on 01674 672932 and enter? So far two Midlothian members have entered, Noreen Fenton (Dunbar) and Rachael Watton (Mortonhall).

Good luck to the two of you and to anyone else who opts for a late entry!

Inter-County Matches

The Midlothian selectors are delighted to announce that the team to take part in this year's Inter-County Matches, to be held at Royal Musselburgh Golf Course from Monday 28th - Wednesday 30th June will be:

Kirsten Blackwood (Craigmillar Park)
Louise Fraser (Kingsknowe)
Claire MacDonald (Gullane Ladies)
Gabrielle Macdonald (Craigielaw)
Karen Marshall (Baberton)
Wendy Nicholson (Broomieknowe)
Jane Turner (Craigielaw)
Rachael Watton (Mortonhall)

Travelling Reserve: Kate McIntosh (Broomieknowe)
2nd Reserve: Arlene McGarty (Harburn)

We feel we have a very strong team and the girls are definitely focussed on retaining the trophy. Midlothian will play Fife on the Monday, Stirling and Clackmannan on the Tuesday and East Lothian on the Wednesday, with the morning foursomes starting from 9 am and the afternoon singles being from 2 pm.

It would be great to see you all there supporting your team and encouraging the girls. Royal Musselburgh is not far from Edinburgh so put the dates in your diary and come along and be part of it all!