Sunday, February 28, 2016

Coach's Birthday at Kingsfield today

The Juniors decided to treat David to a cake for his birthday. They were so excited that any thoughts of working for MI6 were definately out the window. He was really delighted.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Summer Knock Out (Hole and Hole)

The closing date for the summer hole and hole was yesterday, Friday 26th February.  However if you have not already entered and would like to do so, could you email me within the next few days and I will put your entry in.  Thanks, Lisa

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2016 Subscriptions and Hole and Hole

Ladies, a big thank you to all of you who have paid your subscription fees over the last month or so.  Could I ask those of you who are still to pay, could you arrange for this to be done as soon as possible.  Thank you. 

Also please note that the closing date for hole and hole (summer knockout) entries is Friday, 26th February. 


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Post Amalgamation and the Future of Scottish Golf

 Myself Jacky and Sharon attended a meeting with the areas and Scottish Golf Personnel , including Eleanor Cannon , the new Chair of Scottish Golf, at Gleneagles last week

This was the e mail that we received back with a summary of the findings. 

We felt  following this meeting that the regions should only be there in a governance role and that although there maybe some possible areas of working together with the areas we very much feel that the Counties are really important for the future of womens golf in Scotland . 

WE really need to hear your views on this in order that we can feed back to Scottish Golf.

Could I please ask you to contact either myself or your rep with your views as we will be discussing this at the next Midlothian meeting.

It was clear from the day that to grow participation and build stronger clubs, the full time team should work directly with clubs. The specific engagement with regions, in whatever format they take, should focus around competitions and the playing of golf.

We were tasked with developing a suite of options for the further consideration of the Area and County representatives in terms of structure and roles.  This will include options for regional forums.  This task now falls to the Regions and Forums Working Group that has been formed for this task.  The remit of this Group, together with its membership is available for your reference:

As promised, once the group has undertaken this work we will arrange a follow-up meeting.  

We also discussed a number of other issues that, while not directly related to the aims of Sunday, are important for us all to address.
You have my commitment that they will be considered in depth.  To this end, firstly the representation of women on the Scottish Golf website has already been addressed. I would welcome your feedback on the changes. Secondly,  the imperative for the new board to clearly articulate the value that the new organisation brings to the clubs was an agenda item over the past two days when the board came together to discuss our strategy going forward.