Monday, November 20, 2017

Report from Adult and Girl Competition at Swanston, on 19/11/2017

23 girls came with their Adults to play in our competition yesterday, in sunny but cold conditions. This was a great turnout. We were lucky enough to have our President Norma Richmond on hand to act as starter and to present the prizes, and Captain Jacky Burnett on the check in desk. Thank you ladies!

Results were as follows:

Scratch prize Brian Marshall and Ella Marshall 32

1st handicap, and winners of the Hennesey Gold Cup, Alasdair McLeish and Holly McLeish, (net) 20
2nd handicap, Louise Massey and Phoebe Massey, (net) 21
3rd handicap, David Simson and Natasha Simson, (net 22).

Winner of the under 8 prize was Ruby Keys.

Nearest the pin at the 4th (girls) Georgia Ledingham
Nearest the pin at the 9th (adults) Alasdair McLeish.

Thanks go to Swanston New Golf Club for allowing us to host the event on the Templar course and to the Stephen Gallacher Foundation for letting us use their "cabin" for checking in.

A HUGE thank you is also due to Yvonne Wilson who very kindly provided the main prizes and the goody bags for all the girls. Thanks also to Louise Fraser who provided cereal bars for the girls.

Don't forget girls, there is a 9 hole competition at Swanston on the 3rd Sunday of every month (apart from the school holidays). Watch this website for details.

Alasdair McLeish and Holly McLeish
Brian Marshall and Ella Marshall

Louise Massey and Phoebe Massey
David Simson and Natasha Simson

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Draw for Adult and Girl Competition at Swanston on Sunday 19th November

09.00  Carolyn Hannay and Georgia Ledingham
David Simpson and Grace Simpson
09.06  Craig Taylor and Erica McIntosh
Sue Cowie and Ellie Ferguson
09.12 Brian Marshall and Ella Marshall
Stuart Ramsay and Anya Ramsay
09.18 Karen Marshall and Grace Marshall
Vivien Walker and Emily Walker
09.24 Robert Forman and Jessica Forman
Andy Ness and Daisy Ness
09.30  Louise Fraser and Logan Storie
John Henderson and Louisa Forman
Teeny weeny break  😎
09.40 Ed Massey and Phoebe Massey
Bill Lamb and Lisa MacPherson
09.46 Anne Robertson and Martha Johnston
Peter Keys and Ruby Keys
09.52 Barri Millar and Abbi Millar
Mark Fallon and Megan Fallon
09.58 Gavin MacLean and Holly MacLean
Marcus Collings and Lara Collings
10.04 Matt Reed and Holly Reed
Alasdair McLeish and Holly McLeish
10.10 David Simson and Natasha Simson
Yvonne Wilson and Nicola Lamb

Please all come along 15 minutes before you are due to tee off so that you have time to check in and pay, and warm up. Check in will be at the Cabin beside the first tee of the Templar 9 hole course. The forecast is good, but COLD!! ⛄⛄⛄ 

If there are any call offs on the morning please phone 07979 963245.

Afterwards please head to the Golfer's Bar for coffee, bacon rolls if you have ordered them (there's still time...) and the Prizegiving.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

UPDATE on Adult and Girl competition

Entries are now closed, but we will operate a waiting list, in case there are any cancellations. If you would like to enter please email Sue Cowie and I will put your name on the waiting list.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Upcoming Adult and Girl Foursomes competition at Swanston Templar course, 19th November 2017, at 9am

We are running this popular event on Sunday 19th November, at 9.00am. There is still time to enter, but spaces are filling up quickly, and we may be oversubscribed (in which case it will have to be first come, first served). If you wish to enter and have not done so already please email Sue Cowie by Wednesday 15th November, with names and handicaps (if you have one).

The cost is £10 per couple, payable on the day, and there will be a prize giving after the event in the downstairs (Golfers) bar in the Swanston Clubhouse.

The draw will be posted on this website after Wednesday.